Thursday, January 28, 2010

A great idea!

Okay, so about 2 years ago I was on the computer checking out my beloved sister's blog.  On her blog she plays music and there was a song playing about a mama and her daughter. I all of a sudden start crying. I could not hold back the tears!  It was unreal. I had always loved being a mama of all boys. It is special that so few have.  But that day I was really wanting a daughter.  I prayed.
Flash Back Summer 2005 I longed for a girl. Even my boys Jared, Joshua and Jorryn were asking for a baby sister. At one point Jared my eldest was laying hands on my belly a year and a half after Jorryn was born saying...
" Mama, God told me you were going to have a girl one day."  " in September ".  lol! I was floored! I didn't know what to make of this.
Flash forward a year 2006
Just before I found out I was pregnant with Jaeden we were living with my parents while we were waiting on our house to be built. Well, one night I was holding sweet Joshua in my lap. He was 5 at the time and he's now 8. Anyway, it was dark in the room and we'd been reading in Daniel. We were talking about Daniel's ability to interpret dreams. Back then the boys found it hard to wind down at the end of the day so I was able to devote almost the entire evening to putting them down. Rocking them one by one almost til the fell asleep. It was Joshy's turn and he was talking.  Somewhere in the middle of our conversation... I don't remember how we ended up talking about babies but this is what our conversation was...
Joshua " Mommy?"
Me " Yes, baby."
Joshua " The other day, I was sitting in this chair. It was day time so I wasn't having a dream... I had a what do you call it when you're dreaming but you're not asleep and its day time?"
Me " a vision? "
Joshua " Yes, that. Well, I had a vision that you had a bubble in your tummy. And, in that bubble was a baby. A baby girl. And we like her SO much that you decided to keep her."
Me " Wow! Joshy, that's so awesome! "
Joshua (insert yawn here) " yeah. I thought so too. "

A couple of weeks later we found out we were pregnant with baby number 4. So obviously, we thought wow this could be our girl! Before the sonogram my eldest son came to me and we had the conversation...
Jared (6 years old at the time) " Mom, I think you should name the baby Joseph "
Me " really? Why?"
Jared " I dunno. I just think you should. "
Me " I don't know Jared. Mommy and daddy already have some names in mind ..."
Jared " well, I think you should name him Joseph. "

At the time I didn't pay much attention to that conversation. Until I woke up the night before the sonogram where I had dreamed I gave birth to a son. In my dream I was so shocked! Later I decided to look up Joseph and was surprised to find that Joseph means  " God will increase " but at the time I'd read it meant " God will give him another son ''. That may have been from the Bible. At any rate...I believe God was using Jared to tell me that we were going to have another son.

Okay, so after Jaeden was born and before I was pregnant with Jansen again I longed for a girl.
I prayed for her. I got this name. Lucy which means light.  So, it was then I started occassionally praying for Lucy.

Then I got pregnant with baby number 5. David even said a couple of times...this could be our girl. I was so excited and anxious! Knowing that number 5 would be the last.  But this name Lucy kept coming at me from every where!  Sonogram day came and went a couple of times actually then finally we found out we were having another boy! I was happy honestly. I was.  I think the day after I did cry though.
Because some where along the way I had really latched on to God saying we would have a girl. And her name would be Lucy. 

I don't know now 6 months after Jansen if we will give birth to a girl ever. But I do believe there is a little girl named Lucy out there and she is at this point in time my spiritual daughter and I am comitted to praying for her.  There were a few times I wanted to start a blog or journal. Something. So that one day when I meet this precious girl she'll know God had little 'ol me praying for her. It wasn't until this evening while I was blog surfing that I decided go ahead as planned.

I read a blog called Filled With Praise. The author is writing to her unborn, soon to be adopted son Elijah.  So, I figured that was confirmation that I should write to Lucy. Even as I am typing this now I am tearing up.  God's plan is so much better than ours and I know one day I will stand with Lucy in amazement and totally overwhelmed by God and his desire for me to pray for her and love her even before I've know her. 

So, here we go. Lucy, my dear, this blog is for you. I can not wait to meet you one day.
I love you so much already and I don't even know you. I know you're going to bring light, laughter and love to so many. You're going to be the fufillment of a dream and prophecy. How blessed we, the Phillips', will be to have heard from our heavenly father that we are to pray for you.
I don't know what you'll call me. But I'm sure it will be just right.
Until then...may the Lord bless you and keep you.

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